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Jen Schwindt

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot, the wind blows cold, it's summer in the light & it's winter in the shade" - Charles Dickens

Isn't that the more perfect description of March? It's the month that acts as a bridge to Spring. We just had a great weekend here weather wise.

One of the things I love the most about living in Canada is the changing seasons we get to experience. I love each one in its own way, and when you are getting really tired of one (ahem…winter) the next one is right around the corner!

Spring is coming!

Easter is coming!

I thought I'd share some simple ideas from around our house that remind us of the changing season and the Easter holiday. Sometimes it's just looking at the little things and appreciating them. Sometimes it's removing clutter and giving everything a really good cleaning that makes everything feel fresh. It can be simple.

One small bouquet of tulips divided up around the house ties everything together and adds some life to each room.

A reminder on the chalkboard of what Easter is all about.

Simple black and white eggs, which fit perfectly into a stone tea light holder.

And nothing says Spring like a rain coat! Is it finally time to trade in the winter coats?! Yay!

It's wonderful to take a moment and watch the world around us come to life again after the winter. I enjoy incorporating those reminders into our home and encourage you to do the same.

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