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New Year, New Start!


New Year, New Start!


Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

I am not one to make New Year's resolutions, mostly because I don't like to fail. Coming up with a huge list for the year without a well thought out action plan seems to set me up for failure and disappointment. Does anyone stick to their New Year's resolutions all year long? Let me know, maybe it is just me.

I have learned I am better at thinking of things I would like to do, and things I would like to improve on and then just striving to be the best I can be. This year, New Years seems to be a good time for me to evaluate what it is I want from this coming year, both personally and professionally. What can I improve on? What do I desire to make more time for? What am I passionate about succeeding in? I want this list to be less about what should be on it by societies standards and more about what my goals and wants are. I know I should put "exercise so many times a week" on my list, but it's not something I am passionate about. Perhaps I should be including something more achievable like making a habit of walking to get the mail instead of driving, this would help me maintain good health.

Ultimately I guess my resolution is to be the best "me" that I can, seems achievable right!? Let's focus on setting ourselves up for success this year instead of failure.

Happy New Year, hope it's a great one filled with success, joy and happiness!

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